Good and Evil .. Between Socrates and Nietzsche!


Good and Evil in Religion, Foreword:

The philosopher Seyyed Hussein Nasr relied on comparisons in theological understanding between Islam and Eastern beliefs in general, with their modern Western counterparts, and explained how the Muslim and Eastern (Asian) mind deals with the concept of evil in the world, so that it deals with the issue more philosophically and deeply than Westerners.

The idea of ​​a slanderer from religion because of the evil that spreads in humanity and the world, is a purely Western idea that did not and does not occur to the mind of the eastern person, as indicated by the Iranian philosopher Seyyed Hossein Nasr, the Muslim or other religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism or Hinduism and others, because the answer differs between the New and the Old Testament with The Quran. In Islam, God is the absolute good, and the opposite of his commands is evil. Nothing is like him. So, good and evil, in the general sense, are the good that comes from God, and what comes from the soul, man calls evil, that is, disobeying the wisdom of the Creator.

Islam came with the sufficient answer, in that evil is not from God, but rather is a test for man, that man is supported by the full, luminous text of the Lord, so whoever remains on the perfect light of God, he will have another concept of worldly evil, all the messages and prophecies called for equity, justice, righteousness and reform, evil Humanity is the product of turning away from these divine calls, for evil in itself is not created as evil, and we have a sign in Satan. He chose to disobey God’s command not to prostrate to Adam, and he was not created to be evil, but was brought close before that.

God knows what He created even before He created Adam. He made the angels ask about the secret of making a creature that sheds blood. He said that He knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth. He knows that man will become evil if he strays from the truth. He is responsible for his tragedies and the tragedies of others, and the origin of all of this is freedom of choice, as long as you have freedom of choice, you know good from evil, and the argument would not be based on those who do evil if he did not do so out of his desire and not from lack of distinction and understanding of good and evil.. What is the philosophy behind the subject?

Socrates a symbol of benevolence?

Socrates' wisdom lies in his intelligence in understanding reality, but his history reflects the history of the righteous sages and prophets. Socrates was known for sophistry! It is a philosophical school of its founder, Protagoras, and sophistry is fallacy, falsification, lying, arguing, decorating evil and obscenity, and the invocation of personal attack with ridicule.

Socrates was also known for the anomaly, how history has established his relationship with Alpiad, the young Greek military leader, where stories and legends were written about them. Socrates was also known for his unfairness to his wife, even though he had never had a relationship with her, and he despised her, until she became mad and became slanderous and trying to anger him.

In his time, the Greek boy was led to the teacher and left with him, and he was allowed to have a sexual relationship with him, legal in the name of the ethnic state, with the consent of the parents, as part of the education and loyalty to the teacher. It was called pédérastie, and Socrates was not a heresy among them, only Janes, Plato's uncle himself.

How can Socrates become a symbol of goodness with these rejected qualities, as a man who possessed the intuition and intelligence that enabled him to ask deep questions and answer others, and he taught logic, meditation and analysis, but he was not that moral sophistication that makes him one of the righteous, and Nietzsche knew All these details, so he deliberately ridiculed him, and questioned his Greek origins in more than one place, especially in his book The Twilight of the Idols.

His disciples do not talk about his origins much, and even avoid talking about them, because Socrates' enemies always fight him with his origins, and this is what Nietzsche did also, when he said that Socrates is ugly in appearance because he is not Greek.

His origins go back to the fact that he was the son of a servant or slave, but it is wrong:

Socrates is the son of a laborer in an aristocratic environment, which is what made them say that he became a philosopher and confidant because he was only close to the aristocrats. On the contrary, Plato's family was his student, one of the most famous families of all, so that when he wrestles, they do not repeat his name To leave him alone (for his fame).

Socrates was one of those called “Maiomatics”, unfortunately I did not renew this term in Arabic. He did not know him on the street, and I had an argument with him, which did not represent what he really is.

We did not know all this from Socrates’s disciples, because his disciples despised his origins as well, and the matter is very clear between their lineage and his lineage. They used to talk about Socrates as if he was Christ, meaning that he descended from heaven without his parents. They talk about him in a mythical manner in order to avoid his simple origins. Socrates taught people good.

Satire Socrates?

This is evident when we study the case of Socrates. Because, as I said, Plato was Socrates in his youth, youth, or old age, otherwise, did Socrates' students rely on erasing all of Socrates' sophistic and cynical history? Socrates does not work, he always leaves his wife and son and wanders in the streets, where does he eat, drink and live from?

Since Socrates had abandoned sophistry, which was profitable, he began to eat and live off the profits and money of his disciples.

The Athenian Creton saved him several times from prison by paying fines.

Socrates was not a mystic, he loved money, but he also did not like work, so we can consider Socrates

exploitative man. Since Plato was one of the most wealthy families in Athens, neither he nor his teacher Socrates needed to work.

Since Plato did not know Socrates the sophist, he marketed his idea that Socrates was fighting the sophists, since he only knew Socrates the philosopher.

So where do we put Socrates in all of this? Socrates mocked everyone, his family, his surroundings, his people, and his students. Therefore, it is funny to read right and left among the Arabs that Socrates was a prophet. In fact, no one read Socrates, because the man did not write anything. Rather, it was written about him

The goodness of the philosophers.. Then Nietzsche

“Sex is a return to animality.” Somber Schopenhauer

“The purpose of life is to be kind and realistic.” Kant Al-Mufti

“Man is congenital until society corrupts him.” Rousseau's justification

What did Hegel do? He described to us the world he wished for all the time, but he did not describe to us the reality that we need to know, to accept and love.

The problem is the essence

Not all evils are errors, good and evil are mediators, distorting reality. The search for truth is a pleasure, not a torment, the torment of writing thousands of papers to justify the existence of the mediator, which is supposed to be, instead of describing reality with brief aphorisms.

Rather than dedicate themselves to defending a confused idea, they had to accept that they could be wrong, by accepting the structure and complexity of the world. Instead of wasting time searching for intentions, the results of all actions should be sought.

Intention, another opportunity for moralists to stand out in order to stand out from the group

Instead of weeping for the world, they had to get up and put the burden it had placed upon them, which is to defend morals, rather than transcend these definitions.

Combing in philosophy

One of us does not fight while he is loaded, but rather he should lighten as much as possible. Instead of adopting the idea of ​​the meaninglessness of life, they had life to modify it, but they were more preoccupied with nihilism, and its justification, than trying to get out of it. Philosophy has worn you down, no one wants to take the form of office rats like you do. You had to accept life, as Heraclitus and Pythagot and all those who were before Socrates accepted it.

Knowledge precedes intuition

Evil and good are the last things you can deduce, but intuition and feeling are not knowledge.

The science of interpretation, and that evil became good.

Demolition is a signal for construction

Criticism is the sign of the teacher, the hammer is the dismantling of the teacher, reform is the rebuilding of the teacher with more solidity.

Sight and insight

Sight is created to reduce sizes, so if we saw sizes in their reality, we would not see their hugeness

Insight, the wisdom of sight, scaling and magnification, indicates beyond volumes.

Nietzsche spoke about good and evil at great length in his book Beyond Good and Evil, in the twilight of idols, in contrast to Christ, in this way Zarathustra spoke, and many other works. The noble has his morals, as with the poor and the slave, as with the priests, and goodness is not good, except for those who have authority. We must protect the strong from the weak.

The German put Socrates in the barrel of a cannon, because he was the master of this false call, and it was, as he says, a ploy to reach power, which is the will of power inherent in all human beings, the criteria of which differ, as I said above, with the class of that rebel.

Socrates, according to Nietzsche, was a homeless in Athens, rootless, ugly and outcast. He came to destroy the most beautiful things in the civilization of the Greeks, with morals that curbed his creative madness. 


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